Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Eat Right. Exercise. Love.

Eat right most of the time. Exercise sometimes. Love yourself and others 100% of the time.  

There is no perfect equation. No two people are the same. Find what works for you. What works for Me? Short list below. 

Meal planning
No gluten
Low dairy
Constantly changing my cross training

Ice cream 
Delicious meals out
They happen to real people. I am real. 

I get bored. I like to learn and try new things, but when I find something that works I always go back to it. Example: eliminating gluten from my diet and realizing my belly loves me for it. I fall off and immediately go back because it works for me. I am sure if I were eating perfect and exercising more, I'd have less body fat, more muscle, and weigh less, but living life means enjoying a few bad (good) things here and there. Happy. There was a day that I couldn't run for 30 seconds, I weighed many many pounds more and didn't know what a healthy meal was. I've learned over the years. 

What have you done for you today? A walk. A quick workout. Prayer. Mediation. Called your mom, an old friend.

How about for someone else? Called an old friend or your mom (community is good for the soul).  Paid it forward. An encouraging note. Thinking about others takes some pressure off of you. 

Live your life healthified. 

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