Saturday, July 16, 2016

Live and Learn.

Remember that time I was training for a marathon? This is my throwback to two years ago. This was probably my last decent training run that round. I just got slower from here. Prior to training for the Chicago Marathon with Team RMHC (my favorite charity) in 2014. I had only run one half and was very new to running. I was naive and inexperienced and it lead me to getting a bad IT band injury just a few weeks out from the race. I ran (and walked) the marathon anyway. It took me a year to fully recover, but it was the best learning experience ever. I learned so much about proper running, eating, stretching and strength training. In the last 9 months, I have PR'd in a 5k, 10k and half marathon and it feels so good! We live and we learn. 

P.S. I couldn't train this summer in the terrible midwest heat and humidity that's happening this year! Maybe next year....

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